Last Saturday, my dear sister-in-law, Amirah got engaged. The majlis started around 11am. The groom-to-be's family came with 5 dulang hantaran and in return we prepared 7 dulang hantaran. After the welcoming speech, doa and acara membalas pantun, the big day will be held on the 1/1/2011 at 11 am, InsyaAllah. Enjoy the pictures!

Yours truly with the SILs, Ami and Alwizah.

Pwetty bride-to-be and Alia.

The purple hantaran from our side and pink hantaran from the groom to be.

Yours truly giving final touches to the hantaran!

My mum with my aunt hani were there too.

Yours truly with the in laws.

Until 1.1.11

To Ami and Yus, congratulations on your engagement, looking forward to your big day!

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