Salaman bermaaf-maafan...
My sister and I came a day earlier to my parents' to help cook raya dishes...hmmm with our bibiks too....biasala my sister, Liza was the cook that day. Mum being the chief cook! Yours truly tolong tengok-tengok kan je...nak rasa tak boleh, puasa! hehee. We cook laksa, lontong, kuah kacang and nasi impit and we ordered lemang and cakes. Mama masak her yummylicious rendang daging! Serious sangat-sangat sedap her rendang daging!
I hope it's not too late to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. I know most of you will be having raya open houses and open houses to go this weekend! So have a great weekend peeps!

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