Last sunday yours truly was in Carcosa Seri Negara for dearest cousin azleena's surprised baby shower organized by her hubby dearie Nul. One lucky mummy to be and she was surprised to see us all there. Sis ita came to pick me, azie and off we go to this beautiful colonial mansion for our English Afternoon Tea. We had our tea at The Veranda. We were given a selection of fine teas, scones with clotted cream, varieties of pastries and savouries.
Sis ita, Azie and eena's friends menunggu the guest of honour.
The surprised mummy with hubby and Yusuf.
All so yummylicious.
Nul and Yusuf can't wait for the arrival of the new baby.
Aunt Hani, Nul's mom and sister were there too.
Group photos everyone!
Thank you Nul and Eena for the invite and may you have a healthy and the cutest baby on earth! Amin.
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